Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Wine from Water Flows

Water to Wine image from Google Images here

Wine from Water Flows
(John 2:1-12)

Empty vessels
Strewn about
Eager anticipation
Alongside emptiness

And then the Wine
From the Water

Religion and ritual
Fade to celebration
The best saved for last
Abundance and grace
In stark contrast

© October 25, 2012, Robbie Pruitt

This poem was submitted for the TweetSpeak Poetry prompt offered on Monday by Seth Haines here at Gluhwein Memories.

This poem, Wine from Water Flows, was also submitted to Open Link Night at dVerse Poets. To see more poems submitted, please visit the site. The links will be live at 2 p.m. Central time today.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

A People for a King

The Drama of Scripture cover from Amazon.com

An epic poem based on The Drama of Scripture: 
Finding Our Place in the Biblical Story
By Craig G. Bartholomew and Michael W. Goheen

Act 3: The King Chooses Israel: Redemption Initiated
Interlude: A Kingdom Story Waiting for an Ending: 
The Intertestamental Period 
Act 4: The Coming of the King: Redemption Accomplished
Act 5: Spreading the News of the King:
The Mission of the Church
Act 6: The Return of the King: Redemption Completed

Act 3: The King Chooses Israel: Redemption Initiated

A People for a King

The garden gate slammed shut
There appeared a swirling sword of flame
Walling out all of humanity
As they were cast out of the Garden
East of Eden, away from God’s glory

A chosen people for a King
Promise of redemption and rescue
A covenant and a signet ring
An end to the rebellion, God would bring
And a final end to death’s sting

The pride of the people
And their own feeble attempts
Fell short of God’s glory
Offerings were made half-heartedly
Towers were built story after striving story
To reach heaven without God—for one’s own glory

A people for a King
A Nation and a name
Patriarchs, a land, and a promise
His Kingdom He would build
If we believed God

Through one man—the fall
Through one man—a promise
Salvation for one and all
If we believe God . . .
It is counted to us as righteousness
While we fall short God is for us
To restore us and to dwell among us

A people for a King
Paradise to be found
Death will loose its sting
This is what our God will bring
Adoption—we are His
To His covenant we are bound

This is how act three comes to a close—a people for a King
With Israel’s salvation initiated and the love God would bring.

© September 1, 2012, Robbie Pruitt

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Ghost Lake

Ghost Lake, photo courtesy of Michael Bixler
© September 9, 2012 

My friend Michael Bixler is an excellent photographer, artist, writer, videographer and “adventurer.” He took this photo, Ghost Lake, while on a hike recently and like much of his work, it captivated me and inspired the following poem by the same title. Bixler provoked me to poetry last November as well with his photo Late Autumn Epiphany. I am a huge fan of his work and am grateful he allows me to use his art as my muse. To see more of Michael Bixler’s work, click here, here, here, or here.

Ghost Lake

In shapeless void
Spirit hovers over water
Deep cries out to deep
Formlessness bends and shifts
Under the Wind’s drifts
Blackness and echoing howl
Swirls of windblown ripple and mist
Calmness emerges at burst of light
Disorder and chaos simmers
Blackness gives way to purple hue
The sea calms and glimmers
Shape emerges at close of day
Light dances about and shimmers

© September 9, 2012, Robbie Pruitt

"The earth was without form, and void; and darkness was on the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters." –Genesis 1:2