“I Chose You, Obed
Edom”, photo courtesy of Jack Baumgartner
Obed-Edom’s house
Was none but God’s
His dwelling – where God was
Blessings flowed from the threshold
From the time he was young until he was old
The Lord remained,
His family sustained
The Ark of God
Within their hearth
As the evenings closed
The glow of cherubim,
Reflecting in fire’s light,
Brought hopeful joy
At the end of night
The Spirit filled and God did meet
Turning every chair into a mercy seat
© September 29, 2014,
Robbie Pruitt
“The ark of the LORD remained in the house of Obed-Edom the
Gittite for three months, and the LORD blessed him and his entire household.”
–2 Samuel 6:11
For a soundtrack to this poem and a visual, please visit: http://theschoolofthetransferofenergy.com/2014/09/29/go-on-obed-edom/
For a soundtrack to this poem and a visual, please visit: http://theschoolofthetransferofenergy.com/2014/09/29/go-on-obed-edom/