Friday, October 23, 2015

Through the Windy

Cry The Blood, by Jack Baumgartner, 
photo from The School of the Transfer of Energy

i am erth poetry
Based on Cry the Blood, i am erth, by Jack Baum

For a soundtrack to this poem, listen to the last track here.

Through the Windy

In the gusts blowing torrent
I heard your whispers
And knew what they meant
The Wind blows where it wills
In the silence it stills
It gives shivers and chills
Gusts over the waters—A torrent
And all of creation knew what it meant

© August 22, 2015, Robbie Pruitt

My friend Jack Baumgartner recently released his album “Cry The Blood”, from i am earth, Jack Baumgartner. This is a heartfelt and sacrificial work of pilgrimage. The blood sweat and tears in this music cries out in beautiful heart felt harmony. This work is organic in sound and is simply beautiful. I am moved. This is music for the soul. If you are going to buy an album this year, well, this one has breath and life in it. It cries the blood.

Visit Jack Baumgartner at The School of the Transfer of Energy here:

You may also purchase your copy of “Cry The Blood” from i-tunes here.

You may also purchase your copy of “Cry The Blood” from Amazon here.

Visit the webpage for “Cry The Blood” here: