Tomorrow, May 29th, my wife Irene and I will
celebrate nine years of marriage. One afternoon, about ten years ago, we hiked
to this beautiful mountain cove with a stunning view of a waterfall. Irene
painted and I wrote several poems. This is one of those poems about our love
that the Mountain Laurel witnessed that day, before we knew.
Mountain Laurel
The Mountain Laurel sees little in their mountain cove
In their little huddle they call a grove
Hugging tightly the weathered steeps
Rooting down to watery deeps
Love roots down like the love the Laurel observed
On that fresh and new spring day,
As love hugged tightly the weathered steeps,
Reaching deeply to love’s refreshing waters deep.
The Mountain Laurel saw love that spring day
in their mountain cove,
in their mountain cove,
From their little huddle they call a grove,
They hugged tightly to love’s steeps and to how love shows,
Rooting down to love’s deeps,
and now the Mountain Laurel knows.
and now the Mountain Laurel knows.
© Robbie Pruitt, 2003
This poem was submitted to Open Link Night at dVerse Poets on Tuesday, May 28, 2013. To see
more poems submitted to Open Link Night, please visit the site here. The links
will be live at 2 p.m. Central time on Tuesday. Check “Mr. Linky” for thisweek’s poems.